Sunday, November 20, 2011

What you've all been waiting for... Dawn of a New Day 0 Hours Remaining and Looking Back

It's here. What we've all been waiting for is finally here. Yes, the sacred and ever so holy, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword! No more days. No more hours. No more seconds It's here, right now, in the US! I hope you are all excited as I am! I really can't wait to get my hands on the game. Unfortunately, I have to wait until about 3:00ish to get my copy. But I'm fine as long as I get it! Man, I can still remember back on E3 2010. You guys remember when this art came out?

We all thought crazy stuff about Fi just because Link didn't have a sword. We were very close though! And then this came out.

Some were happy, some weren't that day. And even more speculation came out. Then the GDC trailer came out and even MORE speculation was made!

People freaked that the theme backwards was Zelda's Lullaby! And then we couldn't even tell who or what Girahim was! I thought he was a girl at that time! XD Then, the best thing at E3 2011 happened. Yet another trailer came out, this time, showing more plot elements than gameplay as the others did.

People were introduced to a new Zelda we haven't seen before and were all surprised she was not of royalty!  People also got a glimpse of the new Lofwings: Mystical guardian birds. And now, we're finally here. I still remember back when the game was introduced, I said to myself: "Wow. I can't really imagine how everything will be when the game comes out. Will things be the same?" No no. They changed, but for the better. I actually still can't believe it's here after thinking back at the day when the art came out! Well now it is and many of us are about to unfold a new and untold legend today... A legend held dearly by the royal family. A legend that tells of a boy who became a man. (Yeah yeah I'm quoting the WW commercial.)

Well, that's all for now guys! I dunno when I'll update my blog again but when I do, I'll make a SS review and my impressions. Expect a 10/10 *wink*. I will definitely miss the anticipation of this game though. All the news, the excitement... It'll all go away after today since we'll be able to have the game ourselves. I actually feel sad, but happy it's here! I've never been like this for a Zelda game though. Hmm... Well, I wish everyone a good and safe journey to Hyrule. You can do it! Zelda is your destiny! Adios, peace, and take care!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Epic Zelda Music

Hello again ladies and gentlemen! Today's post features something different. As you all know, music has played a HUGE part in Zelda history, and it still does! And it's so awesome how many people, like this talented violinist I'm about to show you guys, take their time to make these masterpieces even more beautiful than ever! This Zelda fan (Lindsey Stirling) shows her love for Zelda by playing an awesome Zelda medley of Zelda music played throughout the years! Instead of me jabbering on and on about it, have a listen for yourself!

Epic right? I hope you got goosebumps because I sure did! So anyways, I tend to call this video "Nostalgia Attack" because that's exactly what it did. I found my head traveling back to all the Zelda moments as she played. Nice job violinist! No, EPIC job! I also really like the cosplay costume she's wearing. I wish I had a Link costume that good. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did! And while we're on the topic of music, I might as well also show you yet another fantastic performance done by my friend Sierra AKA Windlilly AKA HeroineOfTime. Lots of names. Anyways, you've seen Zelda play the Ballad of the Goddess, but wait till you see Sierra do it!

It's pretty unique as she does the whole theme! Even the last part where everything goes all epic! Beautiful job Sierra! Who knows people, she might be Zelda herself! Alright people, that's all for now! And let me close off by saying... 1 MORE DAY UNTIL SKYWARD SWORD! 1. MORE. DAY! I thought I would never be able to say that.  Well it's technically 2 but tomorrow is Saturday so you might read this then. OK then people, adios, peace, and take care!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

News. Just more and more of it...

Heya everyone! First and foremost, I want to apologize for neglecting my blog for quite a while. Hey, being a teenager isn't so easy when you have loads of homework everyday. So I'm sorry and I hope you still continue to follow my blog! Anyways, wow, don't you think time goes fast? It seems it was just yesterday when I said "40 more days till Skyward Sword!" and now, we're down to 7. 7! Can you believe it? One more week and that game is as good as ours! Lucky Europeans get it 2 days earlier though so that's when I will stop being on the computer looking up SS stuff because most likely, more and more spoilers will be posted those 2 days. Anyways, while I was gone, LOADS of news came out! Well videos, but it's still "news"... I think. You may have already seen them but if you didn't here are some. First is a trailer. It contains a bit of spoilers. Consider yourself warned.

Sweet right? Now I'll wait since, if you haven't seen it, you might be stunned.
...Done? Okay! So yeah awesome trailer! So the fire entering into Link's sword... My prediction is that the first half of the game will be trying to forge the Goddess Sword into the Master Sword by going to all 3 provinces or parts of Hyrule and collecting blue, green, and red fire. Sounds about right. And that mysterious woman... Who is she? I actually already know the answer to that thanks to random spoilers popping up. Hey it was an accident! Now I won't say it but I will say it's what many people already think she is. Now without further ado, here's another trailer showing the harp.

Nice dancing Fi! So from what I know so far, that dancing Fi was doing and Link's playing is basically a performance of learning a new song. Now, I'm just guessing, but I'm 99.9% sure it's right. I've seen actually game play of the harp and it's actually pretty different to what we're used to. This time, you just move the Wiimote in a strumming motion and Link does the rest. You don't actually play specific notes, it just matches with the background music. At least that's what I've seen. Here's an example.

Pretty catchy tune if you ask me! The new playing style of the harp seems different, but I think we can all enjoy it. I also saw a video in which Link can play it while walking or running, but I have no idea which one it is. I'll post it ASAP if I see it again though. Well, things seem to be heating up between Zelda and Link this time around. We already know Link and Zelda have quite the relationship in Skyward Sword! Here's another video showing that connection.

Now I dunno about you but I REALLY love the music! Gee Zelda seems to be really in love with Link. I can't wait to see how their relationship grows. Maybe even a little kiss scene? Haha we'll just hafta see. Well, that's all for now. Keep checking back for more info! And let me sign off with an outstanding review by IGN about Skyward Sword! It will surely give you goosebumps and more hype! A thanks to The Bit Block for posting the amazing gameplay videos. Peace!

I'm back again haha! Anyways, I found that one video I was talking about. It's an Iwata asks video with some game play. Here, you can not only see the mentioned harp game play, but also a few RPG elements such as a storage and the famous upgrading system. So here it is. Cya everyone!